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Rocktop Marketing PTY LTD

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LIC: W206


More than 35 years ago, builder turned waterproofer introduced Australia's first adjustable floor waste and the Rocktop was born. Our innovative floor waste features interchangeable grate tops and height and horizontal adjustment along with the means to secure liquid-applied waterproofing membranes to the flange to prevent delamination and leaks.

While the industry generally refers to these types of flanges as 'leak control flanges', we refer to the Rocktop as a 'leak prevention flange' as preventing a leak is far better than trying to control one.  Leak prevention is achieved thanks to the Rocktop's unique membrane clamp which secures the membrane to the puddle flange.

There is a multitude of waterproofing products on the market that all have different requirements such as using primers to bond to the puddle flange, which is critical. If the membrane separates from the flange (delamination) water will enter- a weak point that is costly to fix, yet easy to prevent. Our membrane clamp, when installed correctly will prevent a leak even if delamination occurs. 


Rocktop's have been used for many waterproofing courses in Australia 


The Rocktop Floor Waste is the combination of innovation and industry experience.

It is Watermark certified and manufactured using Australia companies. 


For wholesale or trade enquiries, please contact our sales team

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